The Masonic Charitable Fund has donated £5000 to the St John Ambulance Guernsey Covid-19 Appeal.
The Covid-19 appeal was launched during the early stages of the crisis to support the charity’s local response to the pandemic, which included:
- launching the Caring Caller scheme for people who were feeling isolated or lonely,
- co-ordinating community volunteer efforts
- support for local care homes
- a prescription and grocery delivery service for people who were isolating or shielding,
- a decontamination team to support the Emergency Ambulance Service
- a distribution service for the Seaweed hand sanitiser.
Chief Operating Officer, Nikki Harrison said: “St John was quick to respond to the changing needs of the island as the coronavirus crisis rapidly evolved. We worked closely with a number of other charities, organisation, community groups and States bodies to co-ordinate and deliver support to the island at what was a challenging time for many.”
Deputy Chairman of St John Ambulance Guernsey Jurat David Hodgetts said: “We are extremely grateful to the Masonic Charitable Fund for making this significant donation to the Covid-19 appeal, which will support the ongoing work of St John Ambulance Guernsey in the community. The Freemasons have a long association with St John having provided funds for various projects over the years including for vehicles and the Flying Christine”.
The coronavirus crisis meant not only an increase in costs for St John’s community and voluntary activities, related to the extra work of the charity such as the setting-up of a number of new projects but also a reduction in the normal sources of charitable fundraising and income generation.
Mrs Harrison added: “The St John Ambulance Guernsey charity would normally raise monies through our flag day, fundraising activities and charges for first aid provision at local community or sporting events, but obviously none of this is happening during the lockdown and many of the community events we were due to attend in the coming months have been cancelled.”
“We have been grateful for the support we have received from the community so far, but we need more funds so we can not only continue the ongoing work of the charity in the island but also develop new community services as we emerge from lockdown and start returning to a new normal.”
Keith Read, Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons of Guernsey & Alderney said:”I think St John has been doing phenomenal work during this crisis, the charity has been involved in a massive community effort and I am pleased that some of our people have also been volunteering with the cleaning team. We are very happy to support St John and get some extra funds for the charity.”
Anyone wishing to donated to the St John Covid-19 Appeal can do so at
Any businesses wishing to discuss corporate sponsorship can email
The reduction in fundraising and income generation as a result of the Covid-19 crisih relates to St John’s charitable and voluntary activities, not the Emergency Ambulance Service, which is provided for the island through a contract with the States of Guernsey.