Emergency Medical Technician Jen Lindfield has been presented with a special award for receiving the highest number of messages of thanks from islanders.

Jen received the Chief Ambulance Officer’s Recognition of Performance for her achievement.

Every year the St John Emergency Ambulance Service receives cards, emails and letters of thanks and appreciation from patients, carers and their families for the professional care and treatment provided by our clinicians. Jen is the latest member of the team to receive the award.

Jen was thanked by one patient for her “compassionate and professional care”.  Others described Jen as “caring and gentle” and “kind and understanding”. One message thanked her for helping make “a scary situation so much easier”.

The award was presented to Jen by St John board member Jurat David Hodgetts.

Paramedics Nicolette Hamon and Callum Gill were runners up, both receiving a significant number of thank you messages and appreciations from the Guernsey public.

Posted: January 3, 2022