Award for off-duty police officer who saved his fathers life with CPR

11 December 2022

Police Constable Adam Perriam has been presented with the Chief Ambulance Officers Commendation for his exemplary actions which resulted in him saving the life of his father earlier this year.

One evening during the summer Adam was off duty and had taken his dog for a walk on L’Ancresse Common, accompanied by his young son and his father.

Whilst walking along a section of open ground, away from any housing or roads, unfortunately and without any warning Adam’s father went into cardiac arrest.

Adam quickly identified what was happening and immediately summoned medical support, whilst simultaneously commencing extremely effective CPR. Adam continued to carry out CPR for in excess of 10 minutes whilst medical help was on its way. Whilst this was all going on, Adam remained calm and provided reassurance to his young son who was witnessing the incident.

Chief Ambulance Officer Mark Mapp said: “This would have been extremely stressful, emotional and physically tiring situation for Adam, who was in a remote part of the island, but he demonstrated excellent tenacity and professionalism whilst he continued to deliver effective CPR until assistance arrived.”

Due to the high standard of CPR administered over a substantial period of time and following more advanced treatment provided by paramedics, Adam’s father was successfully resuscitated and is now making a good recovery.

Adam’s calm and efficient actions were personally witnessed by a fellow police officer who came to the scene as a volunteer Community First Responder.

Mark Mapp added: “Both the paramedics and the doctor in the Emergency Department commented that the chance of survival in these cases of cardiac arrest are very rare and that Adams actions had no doubt saved his father’s life. By delivering prompt and effective CPR oxygen levels to the vital organs can be maintained, improving the chances of the patient making a good recovery, which is why is it so important that people learn CPR and have the confidence to use it, if someone collapses and stops breathing normally.”

Adam said: “I would encourage everyone to learn CPR. It is something we train for as police officers, but you don’t expect to have to do it to someone close to you, however statistically the chances of knowing the person who has a witnessed cardiac arrest are high, so having the skills and knowledge to know what to do can make a real difference to someone you love.”