Guernsey’s emergency services held a two-minutes silence at 09:00hrs on Wednesday 19th October to remember their colleagues from the blue light services who have been killed or injured during their work. Representatives from the police, fire, ambulance and coastguard will assemble at 08:50 hrs for a short ceremony, hosted by the Emergency Ambulance Service at the ambulance station on the Rohais.

Chief Ambulance Officer Mark Mapp said: “999 Day is an opportunity to reflect on the work and dedication of Guernsey’s blue light services and to thank them for the work they do all year round.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank our ambulance crews for the excellent standard of care and compassion they give to our community, often working in challenging circumstances. I would also like to acknowledge our support staff, the Community First Responders and all the other St John volunteers who provide valuable assistance to the Emergency Ambulance Service, as well as the staff at the Joint Emergency Services Control Centre (JESCC) who are the unsung heroes of the blue light services. Their job is extremely diverse and can be extremely challenging, but they make a real difference to lives being saved by giving telephone advice before the arrival of an ambulance.”

Head of Bailiwick Law Enforcement Ruari Hardy said: “It is a privilege to be part of Guernsey’s blue light and Emergency Services and be part of a National 999 day and represent all my colleagues across Bailiwick Law Enforcement.  The people of Guernsey should be very proud of those members of our community who put themselves forward to undertake this critical work as part of the wider public service and it is right we acknowledge those who have served and continue to do so.”

Chief Fire Officer, Jon Le Page said: “We welcome this opportunity join together with our fellow emergency service colleagues across the UK in recognising the hard work and dedication to duty of all staff (both paid and voluntary).  They all have a common aim, which is to assist and protect members of our communities.  Those in my charge at the Guernsey Fire & Rescue Service are no different and I am hugely grateful for the way in which they work collaboratively and tirelessly with staff from the other emergency services to make the response to calls for assistance from our community as effective as possible.  I am very proud to be able to stand with my colleagues from the other emergency services today, as we observe two minutes’ silence in honour of those who have been killed or injured in the line of their duties across the country.

Harbour Master David Barker added: “I would like to commend all members of the emergency services after what has been another busy year in the Bailiwick. In particular I would like to thank the volunteers who crew our RNLI lifeboats, Channel Islands Air Search aircraft and the Flying Christine marine ambulance, all of whom do a fantastic job, often in very challenging circumstances.”

Emergency Services Day, also known as 999 Day, traditionally takes place on 9th September each year, however, it was postponed this year following the death of Her Majesty The Queen and the date for 2022 was rescheduled out of respect for the King and national mourning.

999 Day provides an opportunity to highlight the work of blue light services, encourage the responsible use of our emergency services and promote career and volunteer opportunities within the sector.

The emergency services are honoured to have the support of His Majesty The King and His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. The national day also has the support of the Governments of the UK, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

999 Day is also supported by the National Police Chiefs’ Council, the National Fire Chiefs’ Council, Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, the NHS and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The Emergency Services Day flag will fly from the mast at the Guernsey police headquarters the fire station and the ambulance station.


Posted: October 19, 2022