Guernsey’s emergency services have a demonstrated good multi-agency response to an inicident involving a vehicle over a cliff at Jerbourg Point in St Martins.
Police officers who were first on scene made their way down the cliff path to give immediate first aid before the arrival of paramedics. Multiple ambulance resources, including a paramedic double crewed ambulance and an operational commander were deployed to the incident.
The ambulance crew gained access to the casualty with the assistance of Guernsey Police and Fire and Rescue Service. The person was given initial care and treatment at the scene before the volunteer cliff rescue team assisted with the safe extrication of the casualty to the cliff top. The patient was then transferred by ambulance to hospital.
This was a complex incident in a challenging environment, but the emergency services demonstrated a good multi-agency approach with all agencies following the JESIP principals of joint working, with operational commanders co-locating to ensure communication, coordination and a joint understanding of risk.
In additon to the police, fire and ambulance services, the Guernsey Civil Protection volunteers were in attendance to assist with traffic management and scene control. Guernsey Coastguard and a drone pilot also responded to the incident. Although the ambulance service regularly works with police and fire colleagues, incidents like this are less common, but we train for all eventualities.