Old Masters Marathon Relay Team

24 March 2023

Deputies rally to relay for St John Youth Services in Guernsey Marathon

Having complete confidence in the St John paramedics and volunteers to pick up any body parts which might have “dropped off” them whilst running in the Guernsey marathon, has proved to be an underestimation by a group of runners who were due to run as a team in this year’s relay to raise funds for the St John youth services.

John Hollis, Knight Commander of St John in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, was due to run in the event being held on Sunday 2nd April, said “We may have underestimated our own propensities to incur injuries during training, require unconnected heart and body hospital operations two weeks before the race, or catch Covid near the end of training”.

Knight Commander Hollis’ team mates, Stuart Falla, Dave Warr, Ron Taylor and Alan Cross have also been plagued by a variety of issues, effectively ruling them out of running.  Paul Luxon, former Minister of Health and Deputy Al Brouard, the incumbent President of the Committee for Health & Social Care, were members of the original team and have made it to the start line. They used their enthusiasm for the cause to recruit Deputy Tina Bury, Deputy Gavin St Pier and Deputy Heidi Soulsby to step up and take part in the team challenge.

Deputy Tina Bury, Vice President of the Committee for Health & Social Care said “’Once I was assured that everyone was ok with their health, I was very happy to be able jump into a relay spot vacated by one of the ‘Old Masters’ for this weekend’s Guernsey Marathon. St John is one of HSC’s key partners in the community and I think this last-minute team shuffle is a demonstration of just how well we can, and do, work together, even in challenging circumstances.’

“What fantastic support from so many generous people prepared to run. And what an impressive final team after all the twists and turns, with some stepping in at very short notice” said John Hollis. ”Whilst professionals in health & social care from overseas are always welcome, we also need to grow locally more professionals and volunteers. Guernsey’s ageing demographic will require increased numbers, whichever way they are paid for. It is their earlier involvement with St John Youth Services which inspired numerous current practitioners to pursue careers in health & social care. In helping Guernsey and the Bailiwick with its future challenges, St John want to increase the volumes in Youth Services, continue to upgrade training and upskill youths, and build more follow-on links to the professional training provided traditionally by HSC’s Institute of Health courses.

Running for St John in the marathon relay team on Sunday 2nd April will be;

  • Deputy Al Brouard – President, Committee for Health & Social Care
  • Deputy Tina Bury – Vice-President, Committee for Health & Social Care
  • Paul Luxon – Former Minister, Committee for Health & Social Care
  • Deputy Heidi Soulsby, Former Deputy Minister, Committee for Health & Social Care
  • Deputy Gavin St Pier – Former Chief Minister

Chief Ambulance Officer Mark Mapp first joined St John as a Badger before progressing through the ranks and qualifying as a paramedic 

Anyone wanting to sponsor the team can make a secure online donation for this event via giving.gg by clicking here or by using the QR code below or calling in to the charity’s office in the Rohais, Monday – Friday between 9am & 5pm to make a donation in person.