Restart a Heart Day 2023

2 October 2023

St John Ambulance and Rescue Service is proud to join hands with the Cardiac Action Group, public sector entities, and various community-based charities throughout the Bailiwick to mark Restart a Heart Day.

This annual initiative unites a coalition of partners committed to increasing survival rates from sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Mark Mapp, CEO of St John Ambulance and Rescue, emphasised the vital importance of this collaborative effort, stating: “The Emergency Ambulance Service works closely with the Cardiac Action Group, public sector, and other community-based charities right across the Bailiwick to help improve survival from sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Each year, an alliance of partners team up to raise awareness of what the community can do should they be faced with someone who has collapsed before the arrival of an ambulance.”

Restart a Heart Day serves as a powerful reminder that every member of our community has the potential to become a lifesaver. Through engaging face-to-face training sessions or the innovative Resuscitation Council UK Liversaver online interactive learning tool, individuals can equip themselves with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively in a crisis.

St John Ambulance and Rescue, together with the Cardiac Action Group, have been steadfast in their commitment to making life-saving training accessible.

Mark Mapp added: “St John provides training in schools and to the wider community, and with the Cardiac Action Group offering free awareness sessions for the past few years, there is no excuse for not stepping forward to save a life if needed.”

In a medical emergency, it is crucial to act swiftly and confidently. Mark Mapp urge: “Should anyone need help in a medical emergency, they should contact the Joint Emergency Service Control Centre immediately by calling 999 or 112. The caller will be supported with first aid advice and directed to any nearby defibrillators before the arrival of the emergency services.”

Restart a Heart Day is not just a day on the calendar; it’s an opportunity for our community to come together, empower themselves with life-saving skills, and make a difference when it matters most. St John Ambulance and Rescue and its dedicated partners are committed to ensuring that everyone in the Bailiwick has the knowledge and confidence to act in emergencies.

Join us in celebrating Restart a Heart Day and take the first step towards becoming a lifesaver in your community. Details of community events in Guernsey around Restart a Heart Day will be published shortly.