St John volunteers help ICU patient enjoy Island Games football.

20 July 2023

During the recent Island Games volunteers from St John Ambulance helped make it possible for Peter Bougourd to leave ICU for the first time in four months to watch Guernsey compete in the football.

Peter who needs round the clock care in the Intensive Care Unit told BBC Guernsey he felt “over the moon” after nurses from the PEH surprised him with a visit to the Island Games. Peter added “After being there for four months and to come out and see this… an absolute privilege.”

St John Guernsey received a request to assist with transporting Peter from ICU to the Track to watch Guernsey play the Isle of Wight. Volunteers from St John England, including a volunteer paramedic who had travelled to Guernsey to support the local St John charity were part of the team which helped Peter. His nursing team was also there to ensure he remained comfortable in his bed, which was decorated with Guernsey flags.

ICU staff at the hospital told the BBC “it was an absolute dream” to fulfil his wish.



(Images courtesy of BBC Guernsey/John Fernandez)