Community First Responders

can help save the life of those

local to them

When someone dials 999 to ask for an ambulance Community First Responders are also alerted so that if they are nearby they can respond to provide immediate care in the first few minutes before the ambulance arrives.

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What we do

When someone dials 999 to ask for an ambulance for a patient in cardiac arrest, or with another life-threatening medical emergency

Evidence suggests that early recognition that someone is experiencing a cardiac arrest, early alerting of the ambulance, early CPR and use of an AED all contribute to improving a patient's chances of survival.

A team of trained volunteer Community First Responders are also alerted so that if they are nearby they can respond to provide immediate care in the first few minutes before the ambulance arrives.

Dr Neil Robinson

Consultant in Emergency Medicine at the PEH and Medical Director of St John Guernsey says the value of Community First Responders is huge: "Time is critical when dealing with a medical emergency and having a CFR system out in the community will save minutes-and minutes will save lives. The evidence is that if we can deliver early defibrillation and early attention to an occluded airway it can be brain saving and life-saving

Did you know?

ambulances in Guernsey

are not free

Ambulances in Guernsey are NOT FREE. The cost of an Ambulance is £562 BUT you can get an Annual Subscription for just £68.