Extra support transfers

for those in need

The Non Emergency Patient Transfer Service (NEPTS) transports people, who are unable to travel by other means, to and from doctors surgeries and the hospital for medical appointments.

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Patient Transfer

NEPTS can only be booked by a doctor or other healthcare professional and is intended for people who struggle to walk or need extra support during your journey due to a medical condition. 

The Non-Emergency Patient Transfer Service (NEPTS) transports people, who are unable to travel by other means, to and from doctors surgeries and the hospital for medical appointments. NEPTS can only be booked by a doctor or other healthcare professional and is intended for people who have mobility issues or need extra support during your journey due to a medical condition.

NEPTS responds to more than 3,000 cases every year.

NEPTS includes a wheelchair service and a stretcher service for patients who require additional mobility support.


The provision of non-emergency transport between home, hospital or other medical facilities helps to ensure that our emergency ambulance crews are available for critical and emergency cases.


The NEPTS team is made up of a Team Leader and full-time Ambulance Care Assistants, supported by a small team of dedicated volunteers who provide additional cover at weekend and holidays.


Speak to your Doctor or other healthcare provider to arrange access to the service.

Did you know?

ambulances in Guernsey

are not free

Ambulances in Guernsey are NOT FREE. The cost of an Ambulance is £562 BUT you can get an Annual Subscription for just £68.